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Three students laughing together

Required Forms

After paying the program deposit, students and parents/guardians will receive a “welcome email” from is an electronic health record system we use to consolidate and integrate student enrollment forms and health information. The security, confidentiality, and privacy of your personal health information will always be protected.

A completed SchoolDoc profile includes:
  • Assumption of Risk
  • Media Consent
  • Rules & Regulations Contract
  • Policy on Acceptable Use of Computer Resource
  • Medical Examination form completed by a physician. (An examination is acceptable when performed no more than 18 months prior to your arrival at Smith.)
  • Proof of all required vaccinations.
  • TB risk assessment completed by you and your physician.
  • If applicable, current and accurate prescribed medication profile.
  • Accurate allergy information (if you have an EpiPen you need to list it in the medication profile).

In the Enrollment Forms email, deposited students will receive a link to this form. This form provides our office with details about the student’s intended arrival and departure plans to the program.

Admission to Smith Precollege Program does not guarantee enrollment in a specific course. Enrollment in a program course is a separate action done through the Course Selection Form. Students will receive their course selection form on May 16. Students must complete this form by May 26, and classroom placement notifications will be sent by June 6.

Students enrolled in Sustainable Futures or College Readiness do not receive a Course Selection Form.

In an Enrollment Forms email, deposited students will receive a link to our Housing Form. Housing assignments are announced two weeks before registration.


Due Date 

June 1, 2025

Student Arrival & Departure Plans

June 1, 2025

Course Selection Form (for all programs expect Sustainable Futures and College Readiness)

May 26, 2025

Student Housing Form

June 1, 2025

Program Registration & Checkout Dates




College Readiness

Sunday, July 20, 11 a.m.–2 p.m.

Saturday, July 26, 9–11 a.m.

Creative Writing Workshop

Saturday, July 5, noon–4 p.m.

Friday, July 18, 1–3 p.m.

SSEP First Session

Saturday, July 5, noon–4 p.m.

Friday, July 18, 1–3 p.m.

SSEP Second Session

Sunday, July 20, 11 a.m.–2 p.m.

Saturday, August 2, 9 am–11 a.m.

Sustainable Futures

Sunday, July 20, 11 a.m.–2 p.m.

Saturday, August 2, 9–11 a.m.

Women, Gender, and Representation

Sunday, July 20, 11 a.m.–2 p.m.

Saturday, August 2, 9–11 a.m.

Attending Two Sessions

Students enrolled in two consecutive sessions will remain on campus July 18–20.  You will not depart until the last Saturday of the second program. There is no additional fee for the weekend, and you will remain in the same room. 

Early Registration

Early registration is held for the second session programs, on Saturday, July 19. Students cannot register until 6 p.m. There is a $175 early arrival fee. We do not offer airport shuttles for early arrivals.

Early Checkout

Early checkouts may be granted. Please contact if you need an earlier checkout for reasons of flight schedules or other schedule conflicts.  

Late Checkout 

We do not accommodate late checkouts. Students must be off campus by the end of the Checkout window.

Important Information

Local Accommodations

There are plenty of nearby accommodations for family and friends when visiting Smith Precollege Programs on Registration and Checkout days.  Please see the “Local Accommodations” section on the Visiting Smith page for a list of hotel options.

By Bus

Peter Pan, Greyhound and Vermont Transit serve the area. Most routes go to the main bus terminal in Springfield, where you can catch another bus to Northampton. Buses run almost hourly between Springfield and Northampton. Smith is a 10-minute walk or a short taxi ride from the bus station. Call 413-586-1030 for bus schedules. Smith Precollege does provide a complimentary shuttle to/from the bus stations in Northampton.

By Train

Amtrak’s Vermonter stops in Northampton. Smith is a short taxi ride from the train platform. For more information, visit Amtrak’s website or call 800-872-7245. Smith Precollege does provide a complimentary shuttle to/from the train station in Northampton.

By Airplane

Bradley International Airport (BDL), located in Windsor Locks, Conn., is the only airport for which we will be providing transportation to campus. We are unable to assume responsibility for unaccompanied minors.

Please note the specific times for this service and plan your travel accordingly. Smith shuttles will only pick up students at assigned time slots. If the assigned times create a conflict, students should contact an outside transportation service, which the student must pay for. See the “By Air” section on the Visiting Smith page for a list of outside transportation services.

Precollege Shuttles

Note: You will select your shuttle on the Student Arrival & Departure Plans form.

Registration Days

(shuttle will leave the airport at the times listed below)
July 5 at 10:30 a.m., 1:30 p.m., and 4 p.m.
July 20 at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.

Checkout Days

(shuttle leaves Smith College campus at the times listed below)
July 18 at 1 p.m.
July 26 at 6 a.m. and 11 a.m.
August 2 at 6 a.m. and 11 a.m.

Taxi and Transportation Services

Transportation to Smith from the Boston or Hartford airports is available from several services. Reservations may be required.  Please see the Visiting Smith page for a list of outside transportation services.

Cosmic Cab Company, 413-230-6119
Valley Transporter,  413-253-1350
GoGreen Cab Co., 413-586-0707

Please be aware that while services like Uber and Lyft may be readily available from airport regions they are not reliable services to use when departing from Northampton to catch a departing flight at the end of your program.

Getaways are optional weekend trips that do not have an academic focus. Unlike field trips, which are included in the program, getaways require a separate fee. Getaways are nonrefundable. Students may elect to not go on the trip; however, the fee will not be refunded.


Location & Description


July 12, 2025

Day in Boston: Explore the city of Boston and enjoy a meal and shopping in Faneuil Hall! For an additional fee, you can explore the New England Aquarium.

$125 for the bus and lunch
$150 for the bus, lunch, and tickets to the New England Aquarium

July 26, 2025

Day in Boston: Explore the city of Boston and enjoy a meal and shopping in Faneuil Hall! For an additional fee, you can explore the New England Aquarium.

$125 for the bus and lunch
$150 for the bus, lunch, and tickets to the New England Aquarium

Students may withdraw from a course and receive a tuition refund on or before June 1, 2025. Your deposit and application fee is nonrefundable. Notification of all withdrawals must be submitted in writing to Smith College Precollege Programs. If you are unable to attend your program, contact as soon as possible. Tuition refunds are prorated according to the following schedule.

  • If a student leaves the program early for any reason, no portion of tuition will be refunded. 
  • Refunds may be given for some extenuating circumstances when the parent/guardian submits a written request to the director of Precollege Programs.

Participants in Summer at Smith Precollege Programs are expected to abide by the Code of Conduct, which states:

  • Participants are expected to adhere to the highest standards of good citizenship, honesty, and integrity in their academic work and in their personal conduct.
  • Participants are expected to show courtesy and respect for their fellow participants, for Smith College personnel, and for College visitors.
  • Participants shall not take part in or facilitate discrimination of any kind, including, but not limited to, discrimination based on gender, gender identity, race, national origin, ethnicity, age, religion, sexual orientation, disability, handicap, or intelligence.
  • Participants are expected to show respect for and take reasonable care of College property, including their residences, dining halls, classrooms, and other Smith facilities, equipment and furnishings (for instance, course materials, computers, street signs, and other structures in outdoor areas).
  • Participants are expected to respect the belongings of their fellow participants. They shall not borrow, use, or disturb items belonging to other participants or Summer at Smith summer staff without clear prior permission. Participants also are expected to respect the belongings of the participants of other programs at Smith and other Smith visitors.
  • Participants shall not use, possess, or distribute alcohol, tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or drugs, including cannabis, with the exception of prescription and over-the-counter medications approved for use by the participant’s parent or guardian and Precollege Health Care Team. Participation in an incident involving the above-mentioned substances is cause for immediate dismissal.
  • Participants are expected to be well behaved and follow the instructions of the residential staff, instructional staff, and other College personnel. Unruly behavior will not be tolerated.
  • Participants shall not commit acts of violence on persons or property, nor shall they threaten to commit any act of violence. Any threat or act of violence is cause for immediate dismissal.
  • Participants shall not engage in any form of harassment or bullying. Harassment consists of conduct of any type (including but not limited to written, verbal, graphic or physical conduct) which has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s academic or work performance, or which creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive learning, residential, or working environment.
  • Participants shall not engage in any form of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment includes sexual conduct, or conduct with sexual overtones, which has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s academic or work performance or which creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive learning, residential, or working environment.
  • Participants shall uphold high standards of academic integrity through honesty, trust, fairness and responsibility. Participants are expected to demonstrate a spirit of cooperation and exploration within the academic guidelines provided by their instructors, and to meet the intellectual challenges of the program through honest effort and hard work.
  • Participants shall abide by all federal, state, and local laws.

Failure to abide by any Code of Conduct rule may result in the immediate dismissal from a Smith Summer Program and removal from the Smith College campus, even for first time offenders. In addition, violations of the law (for example, drug or alcohol use) will be reported to the Smith College Campus Police. Parents or guardians will immediately be notified of violations.

Smith College Precollege Programs is focused on providing an experience that helps students develop self-reliance, accountability, independence, and academic curiosity. Frequent intervention by parents/guardians undermines these goals. Accordingly, to create a successful summer experience, all parents/guardians are expected to refrain from interceding on behalf of their participants and to adhere to civil, respectful, truthful and cooperative behavior at all times. Required forms must be fully completed and submitted on time. All specified deadlines must be met, including but not limited to registration, check-in, medication drop off (if applicable), and check-out.

Failure by parents/guardians to abide by our Code of Conduct may result in the immediate dismissal of their participant(s) from Smith Precollege Programs. Participant(s) will not be allowed to remain on campus, and parents/guardians will be responsible for transporting them from campus at that time.

Not all students are ready or able to meet our conduct expectations in a communal residential environment. Accordingly, we encourage students and their parents/guardians to discuss our Student and Parent/Guardian Code of Conduct prior to submitting applications and prior to enrollment in Smith College Precollege Programs.

Additional Information

Precollege Slack Workspace

Hello! We’re so excited you’ll be joining us for Precollege Programs. Slack is an organized group chat that helps people work together by bringing conversations and important information into one virtual space. Here’s a quick guide to help you get the most out of the Smith Precollege Programs Slack Workspace.

Slack is monitored from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. before your arrival. You can post messages anytime, but please be aware that staff responses may be delayed.

While you are on campus, Slack is monitored from 8 a.m. to midnight each day.

The Smith Precollege Slack is a public chat forum, operated by Smith College, where academic directors, instructors, managers, staff, and students can see your messages. All platform users must be respectful and thoughtful with what they write and share.

Precollege students should consult the handbook and FAQ channel first.

The Student Handbook is posted and pinned in the #mainchannel24 Channel. It contains a lot of information and answers to common questions.

Before posting a question, please visit our #FAQ or #mainchannel24 Channels to see if it has already been answered.

Alternatively, you can also type a few words reflecting your question in the search bar in Slack to find previous conversations.

Students are invited to Slack one week prior to their program start date. You will click the join link in your email.

Slack will ask you to verify your email address. This process takes less than a minute. (Slack will send you an email, and you'll click on a link.)

Once verified, Slack will ask you to create a username and password. 
Your username is public to everyone else in the group, please use your preferred first name and your last name.

Slack will guide you through a fast tutorial, showing you how to send a message in both a channel and a direct message to another user.
Slack Workspaces have two messaging functions—channels (notated with a “#” or a lock symbol if it’s a private channel) and direct messages.
Channel Messages go out to everyone in the channel, can be public or private (depending upon the channel), and are divided by topic. For example:

A screenshot of Slack, with the channel #general highlighted.

Your Course Channel is private (noted by a lock symbol to the left of the channel title). The after-class activities, random, and general channels are public (noted by the “#” to the left of the channel title). 

A screenshot of Slack, with the private channel for Sustainable Futures highlighted.

If you have a question about the course material, an assignment, or even a technical issue, post it to the appropriate group channel—someone else may have the same question, and they’d benefit from the answer, too. Or maybe someone from the class can help if your instructor or CA isn’t immediately available.
Direct Messages go out to one or a few members and are private. An example of when to use a direct message is if you have a question that only applies to you—for example, an instructor’s comment on your assignment or letting your instructor know you are ill.

A direct message on Slack, from Christina Zorzi, saying "Woo! So good to meet you! Are you going to the after-class activity?"

To find a user to directly message, click the “+” symbol next to the Direct Messages label. This will allow you to search for members and start a direct message with up to eight other people.

A screenshot of Slack, showing the search field for Direct Messages.

You can also directly message the Slackbot, Slack’s automated help center. It has a little heart next to its name.

That’s about it! Once you are on the Precollege Slack Workspace, click on the Channel called #mainchannel24. It is on the side panel on the left-hand side of the Slack page. Once you are in that Channel, post a quick introduction of yourself to say hello to the other students and our staff. We can’t wait to meet you!

If you have questions about using Slack, please email

Precollege Cell Phone Policy

You must have a working cell phone for the duration of your program experience. Your cell phone must have a data plan that does not require you to be connected to WiFi to make and receive calls. If you do not have a domestic (United States) number, you must update your cell phone with a U.S. number and new SIM card or purchase a temporary phone for use in the program. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have a cell phone in compliance with this policy.

Information for International Students

You will need to determine if your cell phone is “unlocked” and “GSM-ready.” You can do this by calling your cell phone provider.

If your phone is “unlocked”: We partner with campusSIMS, part of MintMobile, to provide SIM cards to our students. Service will cost around $15 per month for a minimum 3-month agreement. Visit and follow the directions under “HAVE A SIM CARD?”

Email to request your SIM card’s ACT number.

If your phone is “unlocked,” you can pick up your SIM card on Registration Day at the Communications Table in the Art Museum Atrium. You will then need to activate it using MintMobile’s app or website.

If your phone is not “unlocked,” you must purchase a phone to use in the United States.

Option 1

AT&T Store
140 Main Street, Northampton
$9.99 phone
$30 one month of service
$15 activation fee, plus tax

Option 2

Verizon Store
180 Main Street, Northampton
$120 phone
$35 one month of service
$25 activation fee, plus tax

If you arrive to check in and do not have a cell phone that meets our policy, you will not be granted access to your room until you are compliant. Exceptions will be made for students who arrive unaccompanied. Unaccompanied students will be given access to their room but will not be permitted to participate in any programming until their cell phone complies with this policy.

Cell phones are prohibited during class time, house meetings, or other times that require your attention to be directed toward program activities (both academic and recreational) unless instructed by the activity’s leader or your classroom instructor. The same rule applies to any other handheld devices.

Are You Ready to Arrive?

Smith Precollege has a robust residential and academic team with several trained staff on duty at all times.

Our program and staff offer a precollege experience where participants are expected to step into living more independently and take responsibility for their daily lives and schedules. Precollege is a different experience than most high schools and summer camps.  We are not a high school or a summer camp, we are Precollege!

If participants do not feel they can meet these basic expectations with some support from our staff, they may want to wait a year to attend.

  • Transporting oneself to different locations on- and off-campus, including class and the dining halls
  • Managing self-administration of prescribed and over-the-counter medications
  • Managing one's own diet within a dining hall setting, unless a reasonable accommodation is requested and granted
  • Sleeping and living in a dorm room with or without a roommate
  • Waking and preparing for the day
  • Participating in optional recreational activities
  • Attending class, studying, and completing assignments
Two precollege students smiling.

What to Bring

Smith has two gymnasiums, indoor and outdoor track, dance studios, and a fitness center. Smith is also home to a distinguished art museum, an award-winning botanic garden and greenhouse, a new library and a rare book room. There is a bookstore and café on campus as well. 

New England is famous for its changing weather, but summers in Northampton are usually warm and sunny, with the occasional rainstorm. Rooms are not air-conditioned, but box fans are provided. We have a house laundry service that provides clean linens each week. Each house has washers and dryers that are free of charge. We will provide laundry detergent, to be kept in the laundry rooms of each house. It will be a generic, unscented brand of detergent.

Smith provides a box fan, sheets, lightweight blanket, pillow, towel, and washcloth. At registration and check in we will also provide each student with a Smith College T-shirt, a key/card lanyard and holder.

Smith Precollege students may not wear anything that depicts drugs, violence, illegal activities or hate speech. While in class, students are expected to dress for learning in a college environment. Program-specific guidelines are listed below. 

Smith Precollege students are not permitted to swim or boat while in our program. You do not need to pack swim attire.

  • tops
  • shorts and at least one pair of long pants
  • sandals/flip-flops
  • suitable walking shoes
  • sweatshirt or light jacket (classrooms tend to run very cold)
  • rain boots, umbrella, rain jacket
  • business casual attire for final presentation(s) (SSEP and WGR only)
  • pajamas

  • toiletries
  • medications—your prescriptions, supplements/vitamins and over-the-counter medications
  • sunscreen and bug spray (the Health Center will also have some available)
  • other personal hygiene products 
  • shower shoes (flip-flops)
  • water bottle
  • spending money
  • backpack or day bag
  • sunglasses
  • a laptop (if students do not have access to a laptop, please reach out to our office)


Students in this program will be working in the lab and will need:

  • closed-toe shoes
  • at least one pair of long pants
Field Studies for Sustainable Futures

Students in this program will be working outside and getting dirty and will need:

  • comfortable, rugged shoes (hiking and farm tours)
  • raincoat
  • loose-fitting clothes (movement exercises)
  • at least one pair of long pants

Not Permitted
  • Candles or open flames
  • Wall-hangings
  • Pets
  • Weapons (including pocket knives)
  • Cigarettes, Juuls, vaporizers, or any form of tobacco
  • Alcohol
  • Cannabis in any form
  • Illegal drugs
precollege student in her house making her bed

Contact Office of Precollege Programs

30 Belmont Avenue

Northampton, MA 01063